January 21, 2012


Wow. well done im done it well allright all is right. apa-apa pun. semester 5 telah tamat dengan jayanya. jaya atau tak jaya kita serah dekat DIA. usaha, doa, tawakkal, semoga diberi yang setimpal atau lebih lagi (:

Percaya atau tidak percaya, mahu percaya atau tidak mahu percaya, percayalah you have 1 semester left. sometimes, i take a times pondering how time flies. it almost 3 years i have been here somehow i feels like yesterday. so yesterday ! such in a split second *later i will feel* i'll be in another phase of life, KERJA. just wish, walau di dampar di mana aku mahu yang terbaik aku cuba yang terbaik.

Perihal menyambung pengajian ke postgrad, it just flying up flying down *nama pun fly mesti high kan* in my mind. tak tahu nak cakap tapi nanti nak isi form postgrad tentu aku terjebak sekali. just wait and see but im more to not further my study but so many but.

I can't be as innocent as you :)